Friday, 21 December 2012

For Unto Us A Child is Born

As we await the birth of the Christ-Child, we invite you to join us:

Sunday, December 23:
8:30 am - a quiet, reflective service of Holy Communion
11:00 am -Sung Eucharist
7:00 pm - Evensong

Monday, December 24:
4:30 pm - Christmas Eve Family Service with Carols and the Blessing of the Crib
11:00 pm - Midnight Mass on the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord

Tuesday, December 25:
11:00 am - Christmas Day Eucharist

Wednesday, December 26:
10:00 am - Feast of St. Stephen

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

New Photo Gallery

We now have a St. Peter's/St. Moluag's photo gallery. Just click on the top bar where it says 'photo gallery' to see what we get up to, as church, on the Isle of Lewis. Choose a photo and click on it to enlarge.