Outreach Ministries

At St. Peter's Church we believe that all people minister in the name of Jesus Christ. Here are some of the ministries that we are currently engaged in:

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Each week anywhere from 6 - 12 people gather and knit shawls and blankets for people who are sick, struggling in their lives, or receiving hospice care. These shawls are knit with love and prayers and are blessed by our priest. So far we have given over 150 shawls to people in need.

Food Bank
One of our gospel imperatives is to feed the hungry. The people of St. Peter's Church take this seriously and are involved in the local food bank. Poverty is a very daunting issue in rural communities and it is mostly hidden. We believe that all people have the right to healthy food and we try to assist in providing for the most needy in our community.

Retirement Centre Tea
Each week, local organisations provide an afternoon tea for the members of the local retirement centre. We have been part of this initiative for many years.