a place where all are welcome to experience and share the love of God through worship, action, and prayer. we are open every day. it's as simple as that.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Third Sunday of Easter
The resurrection is not an isolated event. Easter is not just one day, just as Christmas is not just one day. Unfortunately, some churches are not attuned to Easter as a liturgical season - liturgy meaning 'the work of the people'; the worship we do every time we gather. After Easter Sunday, some churches return to something akin to 'business as usual'. But nothing could be further from the truth. The paschal mystery - the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - is the centrepiece of our faith and so that is why the liturgical calender devotes seven weeks to the Easter season. It is the fifty days of the year when we never stop proclaiming that 'Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia, alleluia!'
YOU are invited to join us this Sunday as we are called into the reality of the resurrection. We hope you will join us.